Cancer World Newsletter - e-Grandround OECI accreditation: is yours a top-class cancer centre? PDF Print E-mail
If you believe excellence can only be achieved through rigorous performance evaluation,
but you are uncomfortable at the thought of outsiders passing judgement on your place
of work, this egrandround is for you. It explains how the accreditation process run by the
Organisation of European Cancer Institutes works, who does the evaluation, and why
growing numbers of cancer centres, comprehensive cancer centres, cancer units, and
even governments, are welcoming this initiative.

What do you think?

  • Will wider use of accreditation raise the quality of cancer care and translational
    research in Europe?
  • Could independent verification of performance help your cancer centre justify its
    budget to health authorities and other funders?
 You can read the article here. Press the comment button at the end and share your views.