Cancer World Newsletter - Putting Knowledge to Work PDF Print E-mail
Innovative ways of visualising the biological behaviour of tumours offer huge potential for
helping guide decisions on treatment options. But with so many types of variable to take
into account – clinical, biologic, radiologic, demographic, pharmacologic – how can any
doctor be expected to make sense of it all and apply it to the patient in front of them?
They can't, says Vincenzo Valentini, president of  ESTRO (the European Society for
Radiotherapy and Oncology). In this Cover Story he calls for much closer interdisciplinary
collaboration to help develop decision models that can put our knowledge to better use.

 What do you think?

Do oncologists now have access to more data about patients and their disease than
they are able to interpret and put to good use?Is greater collaboration between disciplines needed to help make sense of all the
different types of data coming in from different fields?

You can read the article here. Press the comment button at the end and share your views.