Cancer World Newsletter - Five steps to putting innovation at the heart of cancer care Print
Finding new and better ways to do things is the only way to keep improving cancer care in an era where costs and demand are rising and healthcare budgets are not. But how can we inject the search for innovation into every aspect of cancer care, and streamline the way we develop, test and roll out cost-effective techniques, products and practices that can make a real difference to patients? ESO invited key figures from  patient advocacy, cancer care and the pharmaceutical and diagnostics industries to share their experiences with leading policy makers, health economists, health technology assessors, and regulators, and asked them all to come up with a plan. The discussion and its conclusions are presented in this Systems &Services article.

What do you think?

  • Could care be improved and resources be used more efficiently if healthcare systems were more open to innovation and change?
  • Have you been involved in initiating and evaluating different ways of working?
  • If not, why not?
  • If you have, did you get the backing and support you needed?
  • What would be the single most important change required to make your working environment more open to evaluating and adopting new products, techniques and ways of working?
 You can read the article here. Press the comment button at the end and share your views.