Filtered By Tag: Screening and Early Diagnosis
CEN project on quality cirteria for health checksThe Foundation Nederland Normalisatie Instituut (NEN), an EPAAC Associated Partner, has released the CEN Workshop Agreement Quality Criteria for Health Checks (CWA). The CWA describes the basic principles of quality criteria for health checks and has been developed by a group of 36 experts from 16 European countries since 2011. Quality criteria for Health Checks aim:- to allow clients to make informed choices about health checks,
Project Team Meeting CWA 68 Quality criteria for health checks was held on 8 February 2013 in Madurodam, The Hague, the Netherlands. Click to see the Meeting Minutes, Presentations and
The 2nd Screening Workshop, held in the framework of the EPAAC Screening Work Package, will be held on Cervical Cancer Screening at the University of Padova from 8-9 October 2012. The Veneto Institute of Oncology, on behalf of the consortium of European regions operating in collaboration with the EUREGHA network, kindly invites all those interested to attend the workshop. To see the programme, please click here. To see the programme for breakout sessions, please click
Project Team Meeting cwa 68 Quality criteria for health checks was held between 23 and 25 May 2012 in The Hague. Please click on the links below to see the:Minutes of the Meeting
European School of Screening ManagementThe European Partnership for Action Against Cancer is proud to announce theEuropean School of Screening Management, a two-week intensive training course on theprinciples, organization, evaluation, planning and management of cancer screening programmes.The first module is to be held in Lyon, France, from 19-23 November 2012 at the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The second module to be held optionally at another place in the EU on 11-15 March 2013. This action falls under the EPAAC Work Package 6, Screening and Early Diagnosis. The course aims to improve implementation of cancer screening as currently...
Workshop on "Quality criteria for health checks", The Hague, 23-25 May, 2012The first Workshop project team meeting of the CEN Workshop 68 on "Quality criteria for health checks" will take place on 23-25 May 2012 in the Hague, the Netherlands. During this meeting the project team will review source materials and prepare the first draft for workshop consideration.You can find the related Source documents to be discussed at the CEN Workshop 68 on "Quality criteria for health checks here.
The Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme Workshop took place in Liverpool on 7 and 8 March 2012. This conference is a part of the EPAAC WP 6, Screening and Early Diagnosis.We are pleased to make the following presentations available:- European Partnership for Action Against Cancer- The Netherlands & Flanders, some 'food for thought'?-
The kick-off meeting of the Quality Criteria for Health Checks took place on 2 December 2011 in the Hague, Netherlands. This is a part of Objective 4 of the EPAAC WP 6, Screening and Early Diagnosis.
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